5 Reasons To Do Pay-Per-Click Advertising -

5 Reasons To Do Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Posted on July 8, 2016 by

Is PPC worth the investment?

With the competition for visibility in search engine results getting more intense than ever, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a fantastic way to get the edge over your competitors. If done properly, it will drive more traffic to your site and boost your revenue. If you’re unsure whether PPC is right for your business, we’ve outlined five reasons that explain why it is definitely worth the investment.

 PPC Pay-per-click

PPC isn’t just used by small businesses trying to get more exposure for their brand – it’s an incredibly useful tool utilised by businesses of all sizes, and can deliver real results for brands of any type. With Pay-Per-Click advertising, you have complete control over your spending and marketing strategies – and when done right, the numerous benefits greatly outweigh the risks.

Here are our five reasons why PPC is definitely worth the investment:

1). You only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

The clue is in the name – Pay-Per-Click. And because only people interested in your brand or product will click on your ads, you’re only paying to interact with your target audience (unlike in traditional offline advertising where you have to pay a lot of money and have no guarantee the ad reaches your target market). This means you know exactly where your money is being spent, and can be sure that it’s not being wasted on the wrong target market or people not interested in your business.

2). You control the budget.

A major advantage of PPC is that it’s totally flexible – you have complete control over how much you spend, and can adjust your budget instantly at any time. You can even set a daily cap on your spending to ensure you don’t go over budget. Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean you can expect huge results with a tiny budget – PPC does require some investment to see strong results, but the amount depends on how much competition there is for your chosen keyword or market.

3). Easily target users at specific times or locations.

With a PPC campaign, you can have a huge amount of control over when and where your ads are displayed. If you need to target consumers with a specific ad in a certain location or at a certain time, PPC’s advanced location targeting and delivery options make it easy. You can even target specific devices, such as choosing only to show ads to mobile users. The applications for targeted advertising are almost endless, and can help you get the maximum return on your investment.

4). Get results quickly.

Organic search results are obviously vital for your website’s long term marketing strategy, but it can take some time to build up a strong search ranking and get a good return on your investment. However, PPC can produce results very quickly – you can often see an increase in traffic and conversions just a few days after starting a campaign (depending on a variety of factors). This means you get a faster return on your investment, and can quickly drive more traffic to your site without having to wait for your organic search ranking to build up.

5). Inform your other marketing channels.

Apart from just boosting the search visibility of your business or product, PPC has a wide variety of other uses. The huge amount of data generated by a campaign can be used to intelligently advise your other marketing channels. It is particularly useful for improving your search engine optimisation strategy, allowing you to test the conversion rates of particular keywords and gauge demand for new products. A PPC campaign can also have a positive impact on your organic click-through rate, offering more long-term benefits.

Make sure you do it right.

Google PartnerBeside the huge benefits of PPC, it’s important to point out that it’s not always easy and can quickly burn money if not done properly. Our team are PPC experts and approved Google Partners, so we can work with you to run your campaign effectively and maximise the return on your investment.

If you’d like to run a Pay-Per-Click campaign, please read more about our PPC services and get in touch.

One thought on “5 Reasons To Do Pay-Per-Click Advertising

  1. Ujwal Pandit on October 6, 2017 at 10:05 am said:

    Thanks for this amazing article. The insights helped me sort out a lot. Made notes and shall be using the tips right away! 🙂

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